LimeSDR driver under Linux?

Which device driver is used on the PC side when running Linux?

I assume the FPGA is setting the FX3 in slave FIFO mode and DMA is used to transfer data to the host Linux system. But which driver is used? Or what is the vendor and device id observed when running “lsusb”?

SOAPY is the name of the driver, if you will look around at some of the older postings you will find all the info you need.

Just a summary. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

If somebody has a LimeSDR running under Linux I would appreciate if you could post the output of lsusb.


@zener, that is correct. Output from lsusb:

Bus 002 Device 003: ID 1d50:6108 OpenMoko, Inc.

We are using a PID assigned to us by OpenMoko:
