LimeSDR capabilities

Hi all,

LimeMicro directed me here with my questions, so I hope you can help me to figure out whether LimeSDR is something we should consider for our phased array. So here we go

+) How many Rx channels can a LimeSDR board realize (assuming that no Tx channel is used)?
+) Can the board be locked to an external reference (10/5 MHz)? If yes are there tools to phase
align several boards?
+) Can the board be clocked with an external 1 PPS?


How many Rx channels can a LimeSDR board realize (assuming that no Tx channel is used)?

Two. Rx channel count doesn’t depend on Tx channels usability.

Can the board be locked to an external reference (10/5 MHz)?

Yes, there is circuitry for this task.

If yes are there tools to phase align several boards?
Can the board be clocked with an external 1 PPS?

Community is welcome to help to implement this functionality! :slight_smile:


Thanks for clarifcation.