LimeSDR arrived but can't get it to work

Hi Andrew,
I encountered a similar situation, too :pensive:
After my LimeSDR(v1.4s) is plugged into the USB3.0, LEDs1 is always red:

I didn’t have External 6V - 12V power source, just USB3.0.
My LimeSDR has “gateware version mismatch” error and I can’t solve it with the “LimeUtil --update” instruction(It executed normally but it didn’t work…):

Here is the LimeSUiteGUI’s info,GW is not right. I have tried the latest version of LimeSuiteGUI and Modules-Programming, it executed normally but it didn’t work, so I used the old version:

The result is still the same.
When I try the --probe option with SoapySDRUtil I got the errors:

@Zack @andrewback
Have you ever encountered this situation? Thanks for the help.

I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve seen the “version 0, revision 0” error when there is insufficient power or a bad cable and I think the FPGA has fails to boot. Also can you check that jumper J17 is properly fitted. See: