@cswiger odd. Sounds like SoapySDR isn’t set up properly? Tagging @joshblum to see if he has any suggestions.
Looks like everything’s good then. With more consistent naming conventions between the github repo and the downloads section, it should become clear what was flashed. It’s interesting to note that the info module splits the Gateware Version and Revision into two fields instead of keeping with the V.r format.
@nn4f_radio @martywittrock, the FX3 and FPGA images are organised by the Lime Suite release they correspond to. In general we recommend using the automatic download feature, whereby Lime Suite grabs the latest available.
We’ll improve the documentation to clarify further which files are to be used when manually updating, but as of now the all v1.4 boards should use the highest numbered *.img and *.rbf files for the FX3 and FPGA respectively.
For Lime Suite build 17.01 these can be found in:
Let me know how LimeSuite automatically pulls down the latest files - that’s new to me since I’ve been doing it the ‘Old School’ method since the beginning (about a year ago loading the .IMG and .RBF files) manually. That’s quite a new and useful feature…!
73 de Marty, KN0CK
To get this make sure you have the latest Lime Suite installed via Ubuntu package or PothosSDR installer etc.
Nevermind @joshblum - I did a clean purge and reinstall and now it’s there! Must have been some cruft left from building from source previously.
Found device 0
addr = 1d50:6108
driver = lime
media = USB
module = STREAM
name = USB 2.0 (LimeSDR-USB)
serial = 0009060B00471F23
Great to hear, @cswiger!
Hate to say my next issue looks not so easy - in LimeSuiteGUI, open the Modules / FFTViewer always gets:
(LimeSuiteGUI:12809): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_window_resize: assertion ‘width > 0’ failed
/usr/include/wx-3.0/wx/strvararg.h(451): assert “(argtype & (wxFormatStringSpecifier::value)) == argtype” failed in wxArgNormalizer(): format specifier doesn’t match argument type
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
In addition to the libwxgtk3.0-dev I have libwxgtk2.8-0 for gnuradio.
Last thing today - used an old usrp1 for spectrum and could get the Tx side demo to work - still no luck on Rx side with gqrx, just get a flat line, not even adc hash noise - says it is running tho! Have to sit down and read the LMS7002 manual.
I have my shiny new LimeSDR working on GQRX in Windows…
So there’s joy, but not seeing anything below 26 MHz…Meaning no HF… May be settings, I’ll have to look for my old notes on this from my other Lime…No SDRConsole yet…
73 de Marty, KN0CK
Please use GQRZ with a 5MHz bandwidth and look for imaging in the FM Stereo band (88 to 108MHz).
Will do - But in the meantime, @TKtech advised me that the definition I had in SDRConsole was a remnant of the older LimeSDR hardware (V1.2) and asked that I remove it and search for a new Lime - - that worked and I now have SDR Console working on my Windows machine albeit with the issues that @nn4f_radio found. So I’ll leave it for another day until you advise us all that things are functional. But I will do that checkout of the GQRX program on the FM band with the wider BW and report back - My workday has just started here in the states and I won’t be back to the house before 5:00 PM (some 8 hours down the road).
Again, keep us advised on your efforts there, Simon - Cheers,
73 de Marty, KN0CK
@martywittrock how did you set up the config panel? Can you take a snapshot? Driver-Lime etc…
I’ll be glad to do that when I arrive home tonight. Right now (from memory) the first space for entry should have the following:
driver=lime, soapy=0
…Then the sample rate should be set to: 10000000
From there, don’t touch any other settings, then press Start and you should have GQRX running.
Lemme know if you have any issues with this info, but I’ll be glad to take a shot of the screen later when I get back to the house.
73 de Marty, KN0CK
anyone else notice how hot the board gets when using just a 10Mhz band width, extremely hot, do you think the case would need a fan?
You can get stick-on heatsinks.
Have no fear…I’ve run my Beta LimeSDR for DAYS on end that hot and it’s never given up. You can mount heatsinks if you want, but even cased-up without much air running through it, those LimeSDRs out there are tough…!
73 de Marty, KN0CK
Waiting patiently for good performance news from Paul and Simon
Here are the settings I’m using with my Lime for V/UHF at the moment and it’s running great:
Let me know if you need anything else - 73,
de Marty, KN0CK
…And Josh…