LimeNet Micro Software

I am struggling to get going on this device. It powers up but there is no network activity. It is running headless and I was hoping to SSH into it. I assume I need to program an SD card but I can’t find any documentation. The compute module is pre-programmed but not it seems to communicate over ethernet.

If the Compute Module is pre-programmed it will be running the Pantahub image and for details, see:

Note that at the present time LimeSCAN is in closed alpha, so the only Pantahub demo available to use is the Osmocom GSM stack.

If you’d like to flash a new image, such as Raspbian, see:

The LimeNET Micro will act the same as an IO Board for this purpose.

If you’d like to use a Micro SD card you will need to fit a CM that does not have onboard flash.

Hi Andrew - I thought it would be too but it was unresponsive. There was no activity on the network connector.

In any case, I wanted Raspian for my application in DATV. The problem is the instructions on the Wiki, once you find them, allow you to install Raspian but don’t work for installing Lime Suite, which you need to do obviously. The Wiki instructions point to a PPA but that PPA has no Raspian packages. I think this was for Ubuntu. I used a script from Evariste which compiled the source and all seemed to go well.


Hi @G0MJW,

Check this, please:

LimeNET-Micro is supplied with Flash memory on RPi Compute Module hence SD card is not accessible. Unless you replace RPi CM without on-board flash.

Too late now! But I know about the flash and I first tried it without a card. There was no response at all on network port or HDMI so I then tried an SD card. Having failed at that I followed the Wiki instructions to flash Raspian, that worked fine. However, as above, the PPA pointed to in the Wiki (1.3 here ) has no raspian packages so you cannot install lime suite that way. It needs to be compiled from source.

Many users will need to do this as although the Pantahub image is very powerful, most of us do not want to simulate a GSM network.

I am very impressed with the new board, the only point I would make is the large heatsink sitting on top of the CPU isn’t very stable with just a heatpad and no fixing hardware so any re-design might benefit from some mounting posts.

Next task is to experiment with the GPS locking and seeing what I can do with the Ref Clock output. If it can produce a low phase noise reference to lock an LNB this could with the addition of an amplifier and filter be an all in one solution as an EsHail Sat (QO-100) terminal.


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@G0MJW Mike,
do you mind to share some experience after two weeks of use?

My board arrived too, but can not start to play for at last next 3 weeks…