Hi Adrian,
guess you missed nice discussion with Andrew and Zack about
configuration of CrowdSupply LimeNET micro in campaign.
Any way I find nice use for my board after some considerations what to do
Something I nicknamed LimeToGo… remote RX system using Soapy Remote.
Any way now have whole ICOM PCR-1000 like preselector and taking the signal at IF 10,7 MHz than go on up conversion (at the moment with MoRFeus) to 85 MHz - IF
Now just about to make mods for Virtual USB interface for GNSS Ublox M8 communication to CM3.
Final intention is to locate and monitor nearest available Galileo satellite for 1,5 GHz COSPAS-SARSAT SAR transponder.
BTW during my testing in direct USB mode was able to RX with LNA4HF lowest at 7 MHz and lowest TX signal was available at 21 MHz