Implementation of an ADS-B/Mode-S receiver in GNU Radio

Hi, I’m writing my undergraduate thesis titled ‘‘Development of a Software-defined ADS-B Radio Receiver’’. I’ve downloaded all the necessary drivers for my LimeSDR, as listed on the MyriadRF page. I’ve found a software that should decode ADS-B/Mode-S messages, it’s called gr-air-modes. I’ve followed the instructions on how to install it via, and it is installed on Ubuntu 18.04., but when I run the modes_gui command in the terminal I get an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
_ File ‘’/usr/local/bin/mods_gui’’, line 24, in from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWebkit_
ImportError: cannot import name QtWebKit.

When I run the modes_rx command I can see the textual output in the terminal, but it does not give me enough data for my paper. I’ve read about this issue from other users on, but no one has offered a solution yet.
Has anyone done something similar or has an idea how to help me?
Best regards!

No one is able to assist to young lady :blush: