How to use limesdr with UHD

It’s not that big of a shock when migrating from other Linux distribution. If you really want to use ubuntu I would probably suggest the latest LTS release, which is at the moment 18.04 (codename Bionic Beaver).

I tried Arch Linux but it’s too complicated for me who am too used to Ubuntu.

I tried again and again but it does not work even on 18.04.

I can not do that with OpenUSRP (which I think is compatible with LimeSDR-Mini).

Is there a problem between the keyboard and the chair ?

What makes you think this, when it appears to have been last updated prior to availability of LimeSDR Mini? I’m not sure why you want to continue down this route of hardware faking, but would strongly advise against it.

and Andrewback , how about soapyUHD!!! with my LimeSDR-mini , my uhd_usrp_probe show me that, and i don’t know if it’s run correctly or not ? what did you think about it ?
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800;
UHD_3.12.0.0-59-g523­994c7 [INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] Make connection:
‘LimeSDR Mini [USB 3.0] 1D3AC779327FE0’ [INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice]
Reference clock 40.00 MHz
[INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] Device name: LimeSDR-Mini
[INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] Reference: 40 MHz
[INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] LMS7002M calibration values caching Disable
| Device: FT601
| _______­____________________­
| /
| | Mboard: LimeSDR-Mini
| | boardSerialNumber: 0x1d3ac779327fe0
| | firmwareVersion: 5
| | gatewareVersion: 1.26
| | hardwareVersion: 1
| | protocolVersion: 1
| |
| | Time sources:
| | Clock sources:
| | Sensors: clock_locked, lms7_temp
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | RX DSP: 0
| | |
| | | Freq range: -10.000 to 10.000 MHz
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | RX Dboard: 0
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | RX Frontend: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyRF
| | | | Antennas: NONE, LNAH, LNAL_NC, LNAW
| | | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | | Freq range: 30.000 to 3800.000 MHz
| | | | Gain range TIA: 0.0 to 12.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Gain range LNA: 0.0 to 30.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Gain range PGA: -12.0 to 19.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Bandwidth range: 1400000.0 to 130000000.0 step 0.0 Hz | | | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | | Uses LO offset: No
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | RX Codec: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyADC
| | | | Gain Elements: None
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | TX DSP: 0
| | |
| | | Freq range: -10.000 to 10.000 MHz
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | TX Dboard: 0
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | TX Frontend: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyRF
| | | | Antennas: NONE, BAND1, BAND2
| | | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | | Freq range: 30.000 to 3800.000 MHz
| | | | Gain range PAD: 0.0 to 52.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Gain range IAMP: -12.0 to 12.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Bandwidth range: 5000000.0 to 130000000.0 step 10000000.0 Hz | | | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | | Uses LO offset: No
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | TX Codec: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyDAC
| | | | Gain Elements: None

Please reach out to me and I’ll help you set up Arch Linux properly. Use of the contacts found in This should be easier now because I just moved most of the needed packages to [community].

Posting the actual errors instead of simply saying “it doesn’t work” would help us find the problem. I can tell you OpenUSRP isn’t working, at least for the LimeSDR-mini, and SoapyUHD is, for both versions.

hey Ninobrtv, tell me if it’s possible to run OpenUSRP with LimeSDR-Mini, just for knowing if it’s possible or not!

It was a hack, that was written before the LimeSDR mini was released and it has not been updated in a very log time. Short answer no, long answer no, and it should have never been created, it is like a two dollar fake ID, sounds great until you try and use it.

I seriously don’t understand why people try to use this unethical, unmaintained and broken software instead of just using SoapyUHD. Like, what the hell?

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i see you my soapyUHD output and i don’t know if it’s ok or not :
max@nano:~/uhd/host/­build$ uhd_find_devices
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800; UHD_3.12.0.0-59-g523­994c7 --------------------­--------------------­----------
– UHD Device 0
Device Address:
addr: 24607:1027
driver: lime
label: LimeSDR Mini [USB 3.0] 1D3AC779327FE0
media: USB 3.0
module: FT601
name: LimeSDR Mini
serial: 1D3AC779327FE0
type: soapy

and for the uhd_usrp_probe :
max@nano:~/uhd/host/­build$ uhd_usrp_probe
[INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800; UHD_3.12.0.0-59-g523­994c7 [INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] Make connection: ‘LimeSDR Mini [USB 3.0] 1D3AC779327FE0’ [INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] Reference clock 40.00 MHz
[INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] Device name: LimeSDR-Mini
[INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] Reference: 40 MHz
[INFO] [UHDSoapyDevice] LMS7002M calibration values caching Disable
| Device: FT601
| _______­____________________­
| /
| | Mboard: LimeSDR-Mini
| | boardSerialNumber: 0x1d3ac779327fe0
| | firmwareVersion: 5
| | gatewareVersion: 1.26
| | hardwareVersion: 1
| | protocolVersion: 1
| |
| | Time sources:
| | Clock sources:
| | Sensors: clock_locked, lms7_temp
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | RX DSP: 0
| | |
| | | Freq range: -10.000 to 10.000 MHz
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | RX Dboard: 0
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | RX Frontend: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyRF
| | | | Antennas: NONE, LNAH, LNAL_NC, LNAW
| | | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | | Freq range: 30.000 to 3800.000 MHz
| | | | Gain range TIA: 0.0 to 12.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Gain range LNA: 0.0 to 30.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Gain range PGA: -12.0 to 19.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Bandwidth range: 1400000.0 to 130000000.0 step 0.0 Hz | | | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | | Uses LO offset: No
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | RX Codec: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyADC
| | | | Gain Elements: None
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | TX DSP: 0
| | |
| | | Freq range: -10.000 to 10.000 MHz
| | _______­____________________­
| | /
| | | TX Dboard: 0
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | TX Frontend: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyRF
| | | | Antennas: NONE, BAND1, BAND2
| | | | Sensors: lo_locked
| | | | Freq range: 30.000 to 3800.000 MHz
| | | | Gain range PAD: 0.0 to 52.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Gain range IAMP: -12.0 to 12.0 step 0.1 dB
| | | | Bandwidth range: 5000000.0 to 130000000.0 step 10000000.0 Hz | | | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | | Uses LO offset: No
| | | _______­____________________­
| | | /
| | | | TX Codec: 0
| | | | Name: SoapyDAC
| | | | Gain Elements: None

max@nano:~$ SoapySDRUtil --probe=“driver=uhd,­type=b200” ####################­####################­##############

Soapy SDR – the SDR abstraction library ## ####################­####################­##############

Probe device driver=uhd,type=b200
Error probing device: SoapySDR detected ABI compatibility mismatch with UHD library. SoapySDR UHD support was build against ABI: 3.12.0,
but UHD library reports ABI: 3.14.0
Suggestion: install an ABI compatible version of UHD,
or rebuild SoapySDR UHD support against this ABI version.

what did you think about it ?

What do you mean by that? It says right there, label: LimeSDR Mini and Mboard: LimeSDR-Mini. Your device has been detected.

but i have the problem abi mismatch!!!

That’s a problem with your installation. Unless you’re running Arch I cannot help you. Report it to your distribution.

Great Thread guys! I am working on a project now and I can’t get SoapySDR to see the Lime. I am on Arch, still a little new at it, but I am totally stumped on how to move forward. Here are some printouts, any help would be appreciated.

[alarm@alarmpi ~]$ LimeUtil --find

  • [LimeSDR Mini, media=USB 2.0, module=FT601, addr=24607:1027, serial=1D40F6D9DB0CA0]
  • [Remote, media=TCP, module=Z_Remote]

[alarm@alarmpi ~]$ LimeUtil --info

LimeSuite information summary


Version information:
Library version: v18.10.0-18.10.0
Build timestamp: 2018-10-09
Interface version: v2018.10.0
Binary interface: 18.10-1

System resources:
Installation root: /usr
User home directory: /home/alarm
App data directory: /home/alarm/.local/share/LimeSuite
Config directory: /home/alarm/.limesuite
Image search paths:
- /home/alarm/.local/share/LimeSuite/images
- /usr/share/LimeSuite/images

Supported connections:

  • FT601
  • FX3
  • PCIEXillybus
  • Z_Remote

[alarm@alarmpi ~]$ SoapySDRUtil --probe=“driver=lime”

Soapy SDR – the SDR abstraction library


Probe device driver=lime
Error probing device: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match
[alarm@alarmpi ~]$