I like to organize and participate in Ham expeditions to remote spots on Earth.
If you ever took part in expedtion you probably know, how many small and large boxes/cables takes to assemble decent (500W+) HF station.
Gathering level of your interest for following products:
10dBm in/10W HF 6M and 5W 2M PA board 12V DC, assembled/tested, no filters ~$129 delivered worldwide, 18 available in stock, next batch of 100+ ~45 days lead time
IMD data will be available early next week.
LPF 1.8-54MHz 100W rated $80 delivered worldwide
Supression of 2nd and 3rd harmonics over 30 Db
600W HF/6M set of assembled/tested boards with LPF’s includes SWR/current and RF input protection. Prototype is built now. 90-120 days ARO delivery worldwide. Price will depend on qty of potential orders and amount of “options”.
Your ideas welcome!
a) PC inside
b) Dual monitor
Pics, schematics and video early next week. Form to indicate your interest: http://eepurl.com/cl3lA5
Amateur Callsign is a mandatory field.
Thank you!
73, Yuri N3QQ
Additional info about 10W PA
Freq range 1.8-160 MHZ
In/Out 50 Ohm
15W PeP / 50 Ohm (15W 16v)
Supply Voltage 12-16 Vdc/3A
Input Power 10 dBm = 10W out (1.8-120 MHz) Input 10 dBm = 5W out (130-160 MHz)
Power Gain 30dB
Buen amplificador pero no vale para hf creo, porque empieza en 300mhz hasta 2,5ghz
Podria valer para otras aplicaciones de alta frecuencia.
Yo he visto uno en aliexpress 1 MHz-700 MHz 3.2 W HF VHF UHF FM y podria valer como predriver para otros amplificadores de 100w ya construidos para bandas de hf.