Gr-limesdr is used under QT to report errors

I want to write LimeSDR control program with QT under Windows, but the call of Gr-limesDR is not successful, is the compilation environment of gnuradio-limesdr DLL downloaded under Windows compiled with MSVC?I’ve got an expert on this to help me write an actual column. Thank you.

My mistake:

Lime. Obj :-1: error: LNK2019: unparsed foreign symbol “declspec(DLlimport) public: static class Boost ::shared_ptr<Class gr: : limesdr: : source>__cdecl gr: : limesdr: : source: : make (class STD: : basic_string & lt;Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt;Char>Class, STD: : allocator<Char>& gt;, int, class STD: : basic_string & lt;Char, struct STD: : char_traits & lt;Char>Class, STD: : allocator<Char>& gt;Const &)”

someone can help me?

@Garmus not sure if you have any advice?