Fake usrp

Just spotted this while searching the other day, looks like currently in development: https://github.com/jocover/FakeUSRP

I installed it (patch / addon to uhd source) and got some results to start:


linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.4; Boost_105400; UHD_3.11.0.git-71-g2016126f

– UHD Device 0

Device Address:
serial: 0009060B00471F23
addr: 1d50:6108
media: USB
module: STREAM
name: USB 2.0 (LimeSDR-USB)
product: B210
type: b200

and this works - altho python > from gnuradio import uhd segfaults could be my platform again


linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.4; Boost_105400; UHD_3.11.0.git-71-g2016126f

– Using FakeUSRP
Estimated reference clock 30.7193 MHz
Selected reference clock 30.720 MHz
LMS7002M values cache at /root/.limesuite/LMS7002M_cache_values.db
ConnectionSTREAM::ConfigureFPGA_PLL(tx=20MHz, rx=10MHz)
ConnectionSTREAM::ConfigureFPGA_PLL(tx=10MHz, rx=10MHz)
– Rx Filter calibrated from cache
– Tx Filter calibrated from cache
ConnectionSTREAM::ConfigureFPGA_PLL(tx=20MHz, rx=10MHz)
ConnectionSTREAM::ConfigureFPGA_PLL(tx=10MHz, rx=10MHz)
– Rx Filter calibrated from cache
– Tx Filter calibrated from cache

| Device: B-Series Device
| _____________________________________________________
| /
| | Mboard: B210
| | revision: 4
| | product: 2
| | serial: 471F23
| | FW Version: 3
| | FPGA Version: 2.2
| |
| | Time sources: none, internal, external
| | Clock sources: internal, external
| | Sensors: ref_locked
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | RX DSP: 0
| | |
| | | Freq range: -10.000 to 10.000 MHz
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | RX DSP: 1
| | |
| | | Freq range: -10.000 to 10.000 MHz
| | _____________________________________________________
| | /
| | | RX Dboard: A
| | | _____________________________________________________
| | | /
| | | | RX Frontend: A
| | | | Name: FE-RX1
| | | | Antennas: TX/RX, RX2
| | | | Sensors: temp, lo_locked, rssi
| | | | Freq range: 30.000 to 3800.000 MHz
| | | | Gain range PGA: 0.0 to 76.0 step 1.0 dB
| | | | Bandwidth range: 1000000.0 to 60000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
| | | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | | Uses LO offset: No
| | | _____________________________________________________
| | | /
| | | | RX Frontend: B
| | | | Name: FE-RX2
| | | | Antennas: TX/RX, RX2
| | | | Sensors: temp, lo_locked, rssi
| | | | Freq range: 30.000 to 3800.000 MHz
| | | | Gain range PGA: 0.0 to 76.0 step 1.0 dB
| | | | Bandwidth range: 1000000.0 to 60000000.0 step 0.0 Hz
| | | | Connection Type: IQ
| | | | Uses LO offset: No

so on and so forth.

Purty cool local dtv: