Error in FM_transmitter.grc

I installed gr-limesdr along with limesuite and GNU Radio.
I opened FM_transmitter.grc from gr-limsdr/examples and selected piano.wav as the wav file source.
When I ran this flow, I got the following error:
INFO: device_handler::set_analog_filter(): Tune Tx Filter: MCU error 14 (Tx RCAL_LPF range limit reached,)

I would be interested if anyone here has had more luck getting LimeSDR-USB working with osmocom Sink instead of LimeSuite Sink (TX). I am struggling to get consistent settings into the lime, so I’m power cycling the lime often.

Hi @yindra,

Fixed in the latest LimeSuite commit (40824fd1e1aaf65c436cd372ff5dbbe2990704f1).

Hi @Zack,
I updated limesuite and gr-limesdr and I loaded the new firmware using LimeUtil --update.
This made the error disappear, so this question is closed.
I created a new discussion about the difficulty I’m having trying to transmit from the LimeSDR-USB