Does the spectrogram program still in effienct on mini 2.0?

Does the spectrogram program still in effienct on mini 2.0?

Which spectrogram program? You will have to be more specific.

Here it is. has not been updated in 2 years. It was designed for an (Intel MAX 10 FPGA. So I would say that there is zero chance of this working on a board that was created after it stopped receiving updates with a different FPGA chip from a different manufacturer and a different development toolchain. gasparka/spectrogram used a frozen in time modified version of the official LimeSDR-Mini Gateware, LimeSuite, SoapyRemote, SoapySDR and gqrx - that is a lot of custom code. Could it all be updated and migrated to work on a larger FPGA (Lattice ECP5 44K Logic Gates) inside a LimeSDR-Mini 2.0 from the smaller FPGA (Intel MAX 10 16K Logic Gates) inside a LimeSDR-Mini, Iā€™d say that it probably could, it just needs someone who owns a LimeSDR-Mini 2.0 with the knowledge, ability and desire to make it happen.

Hi, i am the maintainer. Port for mini 2.0 is planned, cant give any dates or promises though.


Thank you for your reply. I am looking forward to your good news.