CS HF mods

If you do not contact CS for modifications for HF LimeSDR, will they ship in linear schedule?(i have not received a ship notice)

I can easily modify my board (still to arrive), and its seems to me that adding 100nF in parallel (EasyMod2) – just adding right on top seems easiest to do …

I would have thought so, but just to check: @csdarrell, could you comment?

That’s correct! Crowd Supply will resume shipments from the second batch of non-modified USB LimeSDR’s after the HF survey period has ended on February 21st. Customers will receive a shipping notification email with a tracking number once packages are out the door. Pointing to the update for anyone who hasn’t had a peek: https://www.crowdsupply.com/lime-micro/limesdr/updates/optimising-performance-on-hf. @andrewback

As I am going to mod mine myself I let CS know that there is no need to hold mine until after the 21st and have just received shipping conformation along with a tracking number.


So you’re saying that shipments have stopped? What if we don’t care about this mini-drama tempest in a teapot? i.e. Will the shipment not happen unless we notify CS of our desires? I would have expected shipments to continue as expected and there would only be a delay if you need CS to modify the board @csdarrell.

@hTo137 My interpretation, and this is only my interpretation of what I read, is that things are on hold until after the 21st to give time for people to make their decisions. I emailed C.S. and explained that I did not want mine modifying and received a shipping number from them a few hours later.

"Crowd Supply will resume shipments from the second batch

of non-modified USB LimeSDR’s after the HF survey period has ended on
February 21st. Customers will receive a shipping notification email with
a tracking number once packages are out the door. "

n2eme … did you send them an email … or used that type form – survey

@Kc7noa I sent an email to the info@ address on their page. The one we had been directed to use if we wanted to know if we were in the original 500 but the reply address was from a gentleman called Josh. joshua.lifton@crowdsupply.com

It is a bad idea just to post peoples email addresses on forums without any obfuscation, spam bots crawling the web will gather the addresses and spew junk at them.

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I’ve been following the various discussions on the HF mods with interest and received the update with the survey request on Tuesday. However, I think the wording in both the update (which mentions multiple fixes) and the survey is a little unclear - can someone please confirm that the modification that is being offered is Easyfix 1, i.e removal of MN18 on RX1_L only?

Thanks in advance

The only option that is being offered at this point is removal of an inductor, but we are assessing whether it might be better to do this on RX1_W instead of RX1_L. If your interest is HF, which makes no practical difference.

Thanks Andrew.
My reason for asking was actually the opposite - I’m not especially interested in HF, am looking to use the board for general-purpose SDR. If the fix being offered is purely removal of one inductor then probably no point in delaying my shipment further.