Airspy host 1.0.8


Today I have backported the Airspy library and host tools from Yakkety.

This should include support for the new Airspy Mini. I will probably have to update and patch gr-osmosdr as well in order to distinguish between the two devices. They support different sample rates.

Sweet. I was wondering when a new tag would come out. Thanks for updating!

It looks like airspy_transfer_t changed in the public header and the library soversion changed to 1.0.8. So gr-osmosdr needs the rebuild or it will just pull in the old driver library.

Hi Josh,

Shortly after the packages were built they appeared as upgrade for me on 14.04. I did the upgrade and now I only have 1.0.8 installed and it still works fine without gr-osmosdr rebuild. libgnuradio-osmosdr0 is linked to libairspy0, which is a symlink to whichever version of airspy is installed.