

I’ve been poking the effort (there’s quite a few of us beta testing John’s Pi 3.0 PiHPSDR software for several months now) and I’ve been a vocal advocate to get it working on the LimeSDR since it’s working so well on the Red Pitaya. John Melton (G0ORX) had early trials of the LimeSDR working on PiHPSDR last year in the June timeframe and now he’s back onto it since a lot of the fundamental infrastructure is portable to the LimeSDR. Again, I’m REALLY interested in seeing this go live on transmit because other than Pothos, GNURadio, and FooBar (just for transmit) there aren’t any apps that support transmit/receive with the LimeSDR right now. Simon’s SDRConsole is queued to make that happen (we all know receive is working great on that), but we really need a fully functioning app to apply the LimeSDR for modes that it’s suited for right out of the chute (and WSPR and PSK31 definitely come to mind).

I’m told by my fellow Beta Tester in California (who is not among the LimeSDR fray, but convinced he needs one based on all my raving about it - he also works directly with John on the software) that John is hard at work to apply the SoapySDR elements to it (and I would also think, like you’ve mentioned, the LimeSuite pieces) so the app is compliant and operational for the LimeSDR - - and that the source could be ready within the next 10 days or so. So we’re all holding our breath until that info comes out. I tried compiling the source and adding in the SoapySDR pieces to it like the Makefile wants and there were still compiler errors that I think were driven by other Soapy libs that aren’t present. So I’m just going to sit it out since I’m not familiar with the architecture enough to ‘roll my own’ on this.

I’ll keep this thread aware of the results as that info is forthcoming…Stay tuned…

73 de Marty, KN0CK