Application for using the 2 RX channels simultaneously

I rebuilt everything with the latest pulls (gr-osmosdr, and friends, LimeSuite from PhaseAlignment branch, SoapySDR, SoapyUHD, SoapyRTLSDR, SoapyAirSpy, SoapyHackRF, SoapyBladeRF).

I then unplugged the radio, plugged it back in, and used my spectro_radiometer application in interferometer mode, using:


For the device field in gr-osmosdr.

Waited for Cass. A to go through the beam, and I was getting strong fringes.

I run another instance of the App on another machine, and it gets a copy of the antenna signals, but uses a USRP B210–this has worked well for years.

Tomorrow’s task is to see if I can build this environment on Arch for Odroid XU4.