LimeSDR with Gqrx is working!

K. Report back how that goes :slight_smile:


I just got my LimeSDR and did some tests:

  1. I have Installed USB drivers
  2. Installed PothoSDR binaries on Windows 10
  3. Installed the latest firmware manually (the automatic update didn’t work for me)
    Now I am at: Firmware 3, Hardware 4, Protocol 1, Gateware 2, Gateware rev 6
  4. I have did the Loopback, Receive and Transmit Quick tests using the LimeSuiteGUI
    Tests seems to be working.
    On some of them I see the FFTviewer stops updating without obvious action from my side.
    Often I see Buffer status Rx /TX full loaded. Is this normal?
    The board is getting hot. I have measured 75degC at the FPGA chip.
  5. I have installed latest SDR console and I was able to listen FM radio on a few local stations. Anything other than FM I was not able (probably due to lack of practical knowledge how to select and demodulate)

My current issue now. gqrx from PothosSRD binaries for windows 10 doesn’t work for me.
I have tried most of the various settings explained in this thread for a not avail. After I configure and press Start DSP I get my dBFS indicator goes full scale up to almost 0 and it stops there. I don’t get waterfall diagram.
How cal I investigate? Is there some log somewhere?

Thermal profile of my board after 10min listening FM radio with SDR Console attached



Decided to try out an OLD laptop with Ubuntu 16.04.1 — AMD with SIS gpu … 2.2Ghz

And again hit the issue with wxpython not being detected === again.

What version is needed and its source?

I have python3-dev and wxpython … and python2.8 … dont see wxpython2.8 yet … got too tired last nite and gave it up.

I don’t recall a wxpython dependency for Gqrx. Gqrx is Qt based.

LimeSuiteGUI does …

Some parts are not working on my Real old laptop and im not sure why yet … but this wxpython thing is kinda a pain …

Don’t recall LimeSuiteGui using wxpython. But I know it does use WxWidgets. Maybe try a Live distro from a USB just to separate software problems from hardware/driver problems.

I have my lime usb up and running on Mac Sierra on Pothos and Cubic just fine. Still not yet getting GQRX working. I’m seeing the crash every other start that others have reported and I’m not seeing any signal (flat line). My terminal log looks like:

Mac OS; Clang version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.38); Boost_106501; UHD_003.010.002.000-MacPorts-Release

gr-osmosdr v0.1.x-xxx-xunknown (0.1.5git) gnuradio 3.7.11
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd sdrplay hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy soapy 
Resampling audio 96000 -> 48000
gr::log :INFO: audio source - Audio sink arch: osx
gr::log :INFO: audio_osx_sink0 - 

Using output audio device 'Built-in Output'.
  ... which is the current default output audio device.
  Changing the default output audio device in the System Preferences will 
  result in changing it here, too (with an internal reconfiguration).

BookmarksFile is /Users/s/.config/gqrx/bookmarks.csv
Number of audio input devices: 1
Number of audio output devices: 1
get_devices started
Device count: 0
get_devices end
gr-osmosdr v0.1.x-xxx-xunknown (0.1.5git) gnuradio 3.7.11
built-in source types: file fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd sdrplay hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy soapy 

FATAL: SoapySDR::Device::make() no match

Trying to fill up 1 missing channel(s) with null source(s).
This is being done to prevent the application from crashing
due to gnuradio bug #528.

Failed to set RX input rate to 5e+06
Your device may not be working properly.

I have the drive string set to “soapy=0,driver=lime” in the config I/O devices dialog. I’ve tried 0, 0 and 2.5 MHZ/162.5MHz as values for BW and LNB respectively.
I assume that Soapy is not being started???

SoapySDRUTIL -find
SoapySDRUTIL --args driver=lime
SoapySDRUTIL --find --args driver=lime --channels=0
all report No devices found??


I’m having issue with using gqrx with Linux Mint, I can see the device through LimeUtil and SoapySDR, and can successfully launch the program with the given device string.

however I don’t see anything on the display as the picture shows, not even noise.

I’m new to the SDR thing, so it could be a silly thing that I am missing,

can any one help ?


Check on the input “Input Contol” tab / section that you have the antenna selected … never remember which is the right one… but there are only 4 choices anyway …

I did check all of them , but non worked

and I have the atennas RX2_H and RX2_W connected to antennas


GQRX Only works with the RX1_H, RX1_L, and RX1_W side of the LimeSDR. Please use those ports and try again. Also increase the gain of to see the noise floor and eventually signals.

Keep us advised on your progress - thanks,

Marty (KN0CK)

Leave “LNB LO” at 0 unless you actually have an LNB in front of your device.

Also, you have to press the Play button, or File menu -> Start DSP to have it actually do something.

Thank you all for you commnents, turns out I didn’t push the start button ! (told you it would be silly thing)
anyhow, I did manage to recieve noise, but still didn’t get anything from the spectrum ,I’m searching in the FM space and got nothing but noise.

guess will have to keep investigating

I’ve had reasonable success with GQRX on my lime usb. Due to my location I have very weak FM signal reception and have to max out my LNA, TIA and PGA gains. I’m using my LNAL ant and it rolls-off quickly below 100MHz. My I/O configuration is as follows: input rate, 1000000, No Decimation, BW 1.7 MHz, LBO LO=0. Receiver Options: Filter width/shape=normal, mode WFM, AGC=slow.


I managed to recieve an FM station with the LimeSDR with only 3 RX1 antennas connected.

not sure if it mattered, but I did a calibration in the LimeSuitGUI for RX.

I’m still not comfortable using the LimeSuit and find it very confusing,

now for the GNURadio test,

wish me luck !

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The only times the vast majority of people should ever need to use this is for self-test and firmware update. In fact, the latter you can do via the command line with LimeUtil instead. LimeSuiteGUI is mostly meant for experienced engineers that need access to obscure configuration parameters that might be of interest if you wanted to finely tune performance.

Ok great, thank for the heads up.

now I’m trying to scan (See) GSM signals from the software, and not sure which antenna to use.

I’m new at this and the goal to make a BTS for Education purposes, can any one provide me with a starting point ?

Thanks guys

does htis still work??

@Kc7noa, @csete, @joshblum

I’m finding that the Windows version of GQRX is completely broken and does not come up if double-clicked. I haven’t checked GQRX on Ubuntu, but maybe I’ll install it and see what happens. But the Windows version is definitely not working from the Pothosware install - even the very latest version.

73 de Marty, KN0CK

on Ubuntu 18.04.2 its broken as well …